
How It Works

Audyllic’s solution uses Optimod technology in its back end to offer the podcaster the same  high-quality audio processing solution used for broadcasters worldwide.

Optimod is a complex and complementary system utilising multi-band phase linear crossover compressors, look ahead distortion cancelling limiters, phase rotators, filtering and EQ that can correct and adjust the dynamic range and apply subtle amounts of spectral rebalancing of an audio signal. It has been honed over almost fifty years in the broadcast world. Many recording and mixing engineers aren’t familiar with their products and name or even in some cases don’t even know about their existence. Its application results in audio processing that performs the desired electrical modifications while presenting a subjective result that sounds natural and realistic, giving the listener the illusion that nothing has been changed.

Although basic limiting and compression tools are provided with most DAWs, they can very easily add unwanted artefacts to the audio, such as clicking, pumping, breathing and if adjusted to eliminate such side effects, may not act sufficiently on the programme material to counteract the aforementioned problems. For this reason, broadcast audio processing has developed into an extremely sophisticated (and costly) product, many broadcasters are quite secretive about their use to retain their perceived commercial advantage.

Audyllic improves audio quality ensuring every word is heard.  It works typically six times faster than real time, so you can produce high-quality audio in just minutes. Audio content providers can submit their audio files by ‘drag and drop’ to Audyllics’ portal, or can download the VST3 plug-in for use from within a DAW itself, or use the ‘Smart watch’ ‘hot folder’ desktop app that will automatically submit files for processing and place the resultant files into another folder ready for publication.

Orban Optimod logo
The Optimod at work

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More Details

Using Audyllic, you can now access professional broadcast grade audio processing for your audio files, using the legendary Orban ‘Optimod’ audio processing technology.

The best-in-class broadcast standard ‘Optimod’ audio processing algorithms perform intelligent automatic gain control, automatic equalization, multi-band gain control, peak level control, peak to average reduction as well as stereo enhancement and phase skew correction, with intelligent automatic loudness control applied to the -16LUFS standard.

It controls the dynamic range and spectral balance to make it easier and more pleasant to listen to, as well as making the audio more intelligible, especially in environments such as in the car, at work, or other places with background noise.

Audyllic’s Optimod professional grade audio processing can reduce the dynamic range of the program in a way that sounds natural and realistic, while giving the listener the illusion that nothing has been changed.

Audyllic is a professional grade specialist audio tool, and to achieve optimum results, it needs to be fed with professional grade audio, that is to say any room echo or reverb or should be eliminated, ideally by recording in a suitably acoustically dead environment, or if this is not possible, by use of a noise reduction or de-reverb plug-in for example Waves Clarity or iZotope RX. However it is better to have good audio in the first place, rather than spend time and effort fixing it afterwards. The adage ‘garbage in = garbage out’ is never more true!

High quality audio welcomes the listener and doesn’t distract them from the content of the show, you so that they’re able really enjoy listening, learning, or being entertained … professional sound quality will make your content sound more credible and emphasizes your message.

Audyllic focuses on doing one job well – It is not an audio ‘Swiss army knife’. (While they’re very versatile and do lots of things, they don’t do one specific thing better than any other tool).

For best results you should use ‘clean’ audio – Don’t compress or limit your audio file before using Audyllic.

When using our service, you fully retain any rights that you have with regards to your content, including copyright. The only rights with regards to your Content that you grant Audyllic are for the following purposes:

  • To process your productions such that Audyllic can create new media files from your content according to your instructions.
  • To improve our audio processing algorithms. For this purpose, you agree that your Content may be viewed and/or listened to by an Audyllic employee or any person contracted by Audyllic to work on our audio processing algorithms.

We will not share your content, or metadata associated with or generated from your Content, with third parties.

How to use the service? Helpful answers!

Do I need to register again for version 2.0?

Users who registered on V1.0 will have to re-register for version V2.0 onwards.

Do I have to compress the file before uploading?

For Best results do not compress or limit your audio file before using Audyllic, loundess normalising to between -16 and -23LUFS is ok though.

Do I need a credit card for registration?

Register a user account using an email, password and an optional phone number. (No payment or card required).

Audyllic is free?

Audyllic is currently free to use until November. After then, users will still get 2 hours of free processing time per month, and can buy more time if required (contact us for more details).

How do I upload the sound file?

Once logged in, select a preset from the drop down menu, either browse for your audio on your local computer, or drag and drop it on to the ‘upload’ icon , and click ‘upload’.

Which file is ideal to upload?

For best quality, use 16 bit or 24 bit linear PCM WAV files at 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz, 96 kHz or 192 kHz, but if you like, you can upload MP3, AAC, M4A or floating 32bit WAV files.

How do I download the file?

Once the file is complete, you can click on the download icon that appears on the dashboard -(No need to stay on the page or website once the file has started processing.

Does it save over my original file?

No. The processed file will have the suffix ‘_processed’ appended to the filename.